Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Lauren Trotnow Wants to Get Everyone Fit

Lauren Trotnow enjoys her success as a Presidential Director with Visalus Sciences. She is a huge supporter of fitness and health. Lauren Trotnow is a professional who helps others with their health, wellness, and weight loss.

Lauren Trotnow believes leading a healthy lifestyle has more benefits than just getting you in shape. She knows through her experience with Visalus Sciences and the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge how achieving physical fitness success can carry over, improving all other areas of your life because your mindset has actually shifted.

Lauren Trotnow agrees that getting in shape will cause you to lose weight, but she does not see this as the only merit. She points out that there are other great advantages to being fit.
One of the great benefits of being fit is having lots of energy. Lauren Trotnow says she is always amazed when her clients come to her feeling lethargic and sluggish. She encourages them to continue on the path of fitness because the results will surprise them. Lauren Trotnow enjoys the challenge of getting someone to reach victory in fitness. Her clients are overjoyed and grateful when they succeed in something they deemed impossible.

Lauren Trotnow also believes that being fit gives you great confidence. She points out that the beginning is always hard for new clients. They don’t think they will ever see the end. She notes that their confidence is very low. Lauren Trotnow cheers them on and makes them believe they can do it. As a health and wellness expert, Lauren Trotnow is there to see her clients get to their end results. It continues to surprise her how their confidence evolves. They go from depression to pure excitement. 

Lauren Trotnow knows that leading a life of fitness gives confidence to herself and others around her. She has a bright outlook when it comes to people and their goals. She is devoted to continuing on this path and hopes others will follow. Lauren Trotnow receives great joy from helping others triumph.

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