Trotnow advises people that you are never too young to invest. Lauren Trotnow
made her first investment at the age of 22, when she purchased her first
investment property. Lauren Trotnow learned at an early age that investing
while young has great advantages.
Trotnow says investing young gives you the opportunity to learn, make mistakes,
learn from the mistakes, and keep moving. Investing while young is risky but
also challenging. You have the elasticity to learn from your errors and avoid
them in the future. Lauren Trotnow says those experiences have given her life
lessons that she continues to apply today. These experiences have helped Lauren
Trotnow improve her chances at success.
One of
the biggest reasons Lauren Trotnow encourages
young people to invest is that time is on their side. Most young people do not
have the responsibility of supporting a family. They are able to bounce back
quickly because time is not a factor. They do not have the pressure of time
because they do not have someone relying on them financially.
Trotnow would like to point out that while investing young does have great benefits,
it could also come with certain consequences. She advises that not asking
questions can actually hurt you. Don’t be afraid to look as if you don’t know
what you are doing. It is best to ask questions and learn all the rules of the
game. Lauren Trotnow says you
shouldn’t let people dismiss your questions just because you are young.
Trotnow advises young investors that putting things off can hurt you. She says
if you find a good investment opportunity, you should jump at the chance right
away. Letting things slide or putting them off until tomorrow can cause you to
miss out on a great opportunity.
Trotnow started investing at a young age. She is successful in many businesses,
including Visalus Sciences, Trotnow Construction, LLC, and Loren Michaels
Properties, LLC.
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